A.P.S.L Main Ranks

Consist of associate members whom are gaining knowledge (emergency preparatory) and others whom involve hands on local and dispersed crisis assistance, planning and practice.  The ranks are signified by markings on their shoulder epaulettes. The more markings, the larger number of members they are in charge of, until they reach Warrant Officers whom are signified by white squares, which oversee the ranks beneath them.  Minimal administrative functions are required and this forms the bulk of our membership who take up actionable positions in civil defence. Some N.C.O's participate in single focused administration functions. Those who aspire to become a Commissioned Officer are trained whilst in the position of Warrant Officer, undergoing the Commissioned Officer training program. We are uniquely different to how other organisations approach this, since we don't want to refer to trainee Commissioned Officers as "Officer Cadets" as they do in the military. Since we are not the military, we believe that warrant officers are the ideal bridge to stepping up to this esteemed role.

Further information: Associate members are known as emergency preparatory. They prepare themselves with knowledge, equipment, supplies, or training. Associate members are introductory with no obligations.

The ranks on this page are for Adult members only. Cadet members are under 18 years of age. All operational (full members) are collectively and proudly known as survivalists. Ranks with stripes or squares are promoted with a small ceremony and issued a certificate.

Associate Member

This is the starting point for new members of any age, and it's currently free.

It enables them to commence their journey with us, by preparing themselves with knowledge, information, equipment and supplies, receive some training courses and then go on to upgrade their membership when they are ready. Associates are in full control of their participation, with no obligations to participate.  Associate members do not have any rank or insignia and wear no uniforms, just their membership identification when optionally required.



A recruit is an adult who has upgraded to a paid full membership. Recruits have no insignia when wearing a plain uniform. Recruits are granted access to more training units and are undergoing training.



A private is an adult who has been upgraded to the level of survivalist. This is the result of their involvement efforts, minimum level of basic training being completed and fully inducted. A private does not lead anyone, but aspires to increase their skills and help out in their neighbourhood, or when called upon.


This is the first adult non commissioned officer rank and is in charge of either their household family or a small number of 2-3 neighbourhood survivalists. Household Leaders are nominated by an agreement or vote, conducted in their own household or neighbourhood. This rank is non centralised, making it the easiest rank to achieve through basic training and involvement. It's also an ideal opportunity to showcase their skills and responsibility, to then apply or be eligible for potential future promotion.

(Special consideration is given to solo members who may earn this rank as recognition of their service.)


Corporals are in charge of either their extended family or small groups of individuals in their neighbourhood area. Corporals are appointed by sergeants.


Sergeants are in charge of a neighbourhood. These can be as small as a street, court, road etc. or likely as large as a few of them, almost spanning a district.  It consists of two or more corporals which includes multiple family units or groups of individuals.

Warrant Officer

Warrant Officers are in charge of a community. This consists of 2 or more sergeants. This rank can be awarded for ongoing service and outstanding achievements from being a Sergeant.

Warrant Officers are also appointed into special roles such as training and other specialisations. These are specialisations in demand, in a time of crisis. This determination is made by the command in their respective area.

Note: Warrant Officers are also appointed in the absence of commissioned officers and where there is a requirement to act in the role for administration committee functions where there is a shortage of commissioned officers to form a quorum in command. Warrant officers are a unique rank in that they can be invited to 'sit in' to assist, but are not permanently positioned in command, since they don't hold a commission. Warrant officers may be invited or given a warrant when operationally required.

Senior Warrant Officer

Senior Warrant Officers are in charge of multiple communities (if there is a technical need).

The rank is also awarded for ongoing service and outstanding achievements after being a warrant officer for a long period of time and provided an enormous contribution to our organisation. This can occur with those who do not want to commit to a permanent commissioned officer role, due to personal circumstances.

Note: rank responsibilities and oversight are subject to variability in geographic area make up and leadership needs.