A.P.S.L Commissioned Officers
Commissioned Officers form the committee administration management of the league. This involves administration skills, but also involves different levels and areas of crisis assistance, some with expert skill sets. These ranks are signified by gold stripes. The more gold stripes, the more the responsibility. Commissioned Officers receive their commissions in an internal special sworn in ceremony. Commissioned Officers are able to perform the activities of other ranks, since a commission does not absolve them of the need to provide civil defence work. They are also expected to fill in for lower level responsibilities in the absence of main ranked members, with the exception of the chaplaincy.
Commissioned Officers are automatically admitted as members of state or national command. In the absence of a state or territory command, national command mandates apply, maintaining operational consistency.
This rank is granted to a new commissioned officer and/or those who have expert skills, experience/qualifications which are in demand during a crisis. Officers are appointed by elections or in special circumstances where they are promoted by senior command. They may take command of the day to day running of a district or provide support in specialist skill areas where their skills are essentially required. Since this is the first rank as a commissioned officer, the Officer undertakes a special ceremony to take their oath of office, going forward. The ceremony is a very special occasion and a privilege.
Commands a district.
Organises the day to day running of a municipality.
Commands a municipality.
Lieutenant Colonel
This is an esteemed rank, for the day to day command and oversight of a state, or full command of a territory.
This is a distinguished rank which commands a state, reporting all aspects, meetings and operations to the National Command.
Lieutenant General
This is a honoured rank which commands the day to day running of the national command with oversight of all states.
Secretary General
This is a honoured rank and the national director.
Note: rank responsibilities and oversight are subject to change. Every commissioned officer rank is required to lead their own municipality, in the absence of a designated officer.