About Us

The Australian Peoples Survival League is a civilian operated, public benevolent and incorporated non-profit association, that was formed to create mutual assistance groups, to prepare for and survive a potential crises. We are survivalists and we learn new skills whilst growing storage capacity for civil defence. We provide educational courses, limited products, resources and knowledge that help our members with realistic strategies, promoting a self reliant approach to protecting themselves, their families, communities and the Australian society as a whole, in the event of a crisis.

We are a reality based 'non alarmist' group that has a realistic and correctly built system to handle 'likely' events v unlikely events by prioritisation and active monitoring of constant changes in local and world events, using our Threat Assessment Matrix.

Registration Inc. No: A0110874R   ABN: 34 406 206 127

Our members participate in civil defence in their local or wider areas. In the event of crisis, WE are the help until professional HELP arrives. Our Vision is to become the premier association of civil defence survivalists in Australia and to survive anything that may affect our livelihoods.


  • We are a voluntary league of extraordinary people, working together with the community to prepare for the survival of our members in the event of an emergency, disaster, financial collapse, society collapse, pandemic or any other factors which could bring harm to our members or the people of Australia.
  • To provide training and leadership in mutual assistance groups.
  • To provide, participate or support in a crisis, civil defence for the people of Australia.

The best approach to reliable, effective, affordable survivability is to join a community that is as large as possible and well prepared to deal with disasters, storms, viral pandemics, marauder threats, collapse conditions and crises.

One of our objectives is to attract and introduce individuals to the concept of self-reliance and autonomy, as well as supporting those having already established survival systems, whilst providing a grounding to introduce them to mutual assistance groups. The proof is clear that mutual assistance ensures long term survival.

We are self-funded through fund raising and philanthropy. The Australian Peoples Survival League is an independent organisation and is not associated with, or sponsored by any religious, military, or other organisation. It is completely self-governing and self-supporting. Our members are proud to be a part of it, working very hard in their volunteer hours to carry out our mission.

Further to this, the league wanted to give people an opportunity to be a part of an organisation that assists when it is absolutely and urgently needed. The recent covid-19 Pandemic is an example of such a recent event which we are still experiencing the aftermath as well as a rise in the frequency of natural disasters, global political stability and unrest.

We welcome new members with friendly help and training, to assist in becoming leaders in their neighbourhood or community.

Every member of this organisation is treated as an extraordinary member. We dedicate our free time as volunteers. Our quasi-military structure is used to ‘serve’ the Australian people and ensure the orderly responses between members and the community. It is also in place for the prevention of anarchy when a crises evolves. In general, it is well known that without order there is chaos, especially with the distribution of aid and support, it requires a civil defence response. Overall, who better to provide a civil defence than our prepared member community who is in a prime position of having the right training, equipment and know-how, to restore or maintain society, civilly.

Volunteer Support

As a not-for-profit organisation, the Australian Peoples Survival League relies on the help of a network of volunteers to carry out the various tasks which need to be fulfilled in order for us to exist.

Coming from a wide range of backgrounds, these volunteer members bring a variety of different skills to the league and contribute in vital operational roles, to serve different functions in the operations of the league. We are 100% unpaid volunteers.

What we are not

We are not a vigilante group, motorcycle group, religious group, right wing extremist, armed militia, protest group, political group, civil unrest group, or doomsday prepping group. Those are against our purposes and do not assist our members, who serve the community to survive a crisis. We co-operate with official government agencies with our transparent accounting and governance.


We welcome anyone, regardless of background, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, disability, political beliefs or other needs.

Entry requirements

APSL has no entry requirements but one. Many of our members range in age from under ten years of age in our junior cadets through to their eighties in the adult membership. We believe that everyone has something to offer and we don't formalise any major entry requirements, other than the requirement to reside in Australia as a permanent resident.

Background Check Requirements

Our senior Officers must be fully trained to a high standard for the esteemed positions. Further to this, It is also a requirement for background police checks and or working with children's checks, for those who come into contact with our cadets. These requirements are subject to change, based on legislative requirements.

Our People

Consists of ordinary people with mixed levels of assistance. Some whom are specialists who offer expert knowledge and assistance and those who are ordinary persons who are simply seeking to be better prepared for themselves or their families and to serve the community, in the event of a crisis.

Member benefits are:

  • making friends;
  • proudly serve the Australian people;
  • preventing cognitive decline as we age, offering real activity and purpose, being a part of something great;
  • Building formidable skills, which is needed within APSL and can be used for future employment career prospects outside of APSL.